EcoIT is Finnish recycler and reseller of used Electronic hardware. We are specialized in data security and responsible work methods while honoring our environment.

We will purchase your used equipment from computers to large server units. We will permanently remove all old data from them using nothing but most secure methods and highest standards. So you will not only do economically wise decision but ecologically wise as well.


Make ecological deed by simply recycling your old equipment in to re-use or re-useable materials.


It is effortless to sell us your used It equipment. We will come and collect the items at your office, data center or any other location convenient to you.


Recycling with us is always safe. We will give you serial number based report regarding your each item.

E-waste is a growing problem in the world. We believe that what is old and useless for one is new and useful to other.

This is how we buy:

1. Situational analyze

First we assess your current equipment and let you know potential value of your wares if recycled.

2. Offer

We assess the value of your equipment and make a fair offer. This is how you can make an ecological choice while getting some money for doing so.

3. Data secure recycle

We wipe your equipment responsibly and securely. We create of report of this and give a recycling certificate that states all the wiping procedures.

Would you like to talk with us? We are fast and flexible partner. We can handle any quantity of equipment.

Book an appointment simply by clicking free time slot on our calendar and we can sit down and discuss your situation. You will receive detailed offer regarding your items usually in couple workdays time.

“As a IT service company, we want to offer our customers a comprehensive service. With EcoIT, we got the End of Life functions smoothly implemented.”

Jalo IT Oy
Ville Soikkola, CEO

We are fighting climate change

Planting trees is the most effective and the most affordable way to combat climate change. The UN has determined the target to plant or protect the trillion of the tree by 2050. We’re involved in the talks – come on you too.


No matter how many items you have. It is our pleasure to help. You can contact us via phone or e-mail, or you can book teams meeting straight from our page.


Joni Kukkonen
+358 40 562 1683

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